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Results & Roadblocks

Imagine that you would ace project management, prioritization and planning. And just get stuff done.

And how would it be if you knew how to avoid road blocks. Being an independant strategist, eager to learn new things, just to name a few.

Our classes will make it happen.

Look Inside Our Classes

Explore the classes that our community loves and have helped you grow in your life and career.


Action Orientation

If you are highly action-oriented, you’re the type of person who gets things done, whether on your own or through other people. You make good on your own commitments, and you make sure that other people do as well. Whatever you need to do for a project, you follow through on it. A class to step up your action orientation.


Ownership is about taking responsibility for your own success, and to hold yourself and others accountable for achieving specific outcomes. You are able to inspire and motivate others to take ownership of their work, and to work collaboratively to achieve shared goals. You are also willing to take risks, and to learn from their successes and failures, in order to achieve their desired outcomes. An essential class.


Persistence is about remaining focused on a goal or task and to continue to work towards it despite obstacles, setbacks, or challenges. It involves the willingness to persevere through difficult times and to remain committed to achieving a specific objective. Let’s explore how to grow your persistence.


Planning is a vital competency that significantly impacts personal and professional success. Effective planning entails setting appropriate objectives, identifying potential risks, mapping out a clear path, and being flexible to adapt to changes. In this class we will discuss and practice all of these skills.


Prioritization involves the ability to identify and focus on the most important tasks or objectives. It involves making informed decisions about which tasks to tackle first, and which to defer or delegate to others. This class offers the right methodologies and techniques to get better organized.

Project Management

Independent from your job, you will be involved into projects, either as a leader or a participant. How to make it most effective and efficient? This class reviews the core techniques to manage and participate in projects most effectively.

Systems Optimization

As a career competency, systems optimization involves the ability to analyze and optimize workflows and processes in order to achieve desired outcomes. It means being able to identify inefficiencies and roadblocks in existing systems, and to develop and implement solutions that improve productivity and effectiveness. This class helps you with key insights and techniques.

Work Direction

Work Direction is about the ability to set clear goals, delegate tasks, and manage your time and resources effectively. In this class we will delve in the techniques to develop your competency in these areas.


Advocate Dependency

Advocate dependency is when one relies excessively on a supporter, mentor, or advocate within an organization for their progress, success, and identity. While having a mentor is beneficial, over-reliance can hinder personal growth and carries the risk of being left without support if the advocate leaves the organization. Let’s explore how to avoid this pitfall.


A poor administrator, characterized by inefficiency, poor time management, inability to delegate, and negative impact on teamwork, can significantly hamper career development. These weaknesses may lead to decreased productivity, missed deadlines, burnout, team discord, and overlooked promotion opportunities. Improving these skills is crucial for career advancement and organizational contribution. Let’s find out how to do it.

Blocked Learner

Being blocked as a learner in the workplace can hinder skill development, create resistance to change, prevent learning from mistakes, limit problem-solving abilities, and cultivate a negative reputation. These barriers can restrict career advancement and negatively affect work efficiency and collaboration. In this class you will learn how to avoid becoming a Blocked Learner.

Reluctant Follower

A poor follower disregards leadership and organizational governance, leading to trust erosion, poor performance, and decreased accountability. This defiance can limit career advancement opportunities, as employers value integrity and responsibility. Following governance is crucial for building trust, expanding opportunities, and ensuring long-term organizational success. This class helps you avoid becoming a reluctant follower.

Operational Bias

A poor follower disregards leadership and organizational governance, leading to trust erosion, poor performance, and decreased accountability. This defiance can limit career advancement opportunities, as employers value integrity and responsibility. Following governance is crucial for building trust, expanding opportunities, and ensuring long-term organizational success. This class helps you avoid becoming a reluctant follower.

Political Missteps

Political missteps in the workplace can damage relationships, create a negative perception, limit career opportunities, contribute to a negative workplace culture, and even lead to legal consequences, ultimately stalling one’s career progression and hindering professional growth. This class will give you all key insights and guidance how to avoid these missteps.

Single Skill Dependency

Having an over-dependence on a single skill can become a shadow competency, blindspot, or career roadblock in several ways:

Limited career opportunities, inability to adapt to change, limited networking opportunities, a narrow perspective and reduced job security. This class helps you avoid to encounter this road block.


“In the years I worked with Jeff, he coached the managers and executives in what it means to live and work overseas, in a country other than your own. The other critical element is Jeff is deeply focused on the HR levers to move the people side of the business.  Jeff understands and can impact an organization’s’ development, and influence leaders to make the right decisions.”

Georgette Verdin, CPO

Amazon.com, Microsoft, Novartis

Coaching is all about letting the potential bloom. Rogier coached me during my Nike years. It has had an impact for live and steered me to a successful career. Next to his professional approach, working with Rogier also means being coached with a pinch of fun.”

Jacqueline Biersma, Global Assignment Director


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Always wanted to do more for your development. Puzzled where to start. Wanting to get something excellent. Something you would like. Something that would really have an impact. Something that would help you for the long run.

You just found it!


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“Everyone deserves success. How this translates is personal: wealth, impact, independence.

Career Cube aims to unlock your personal talents to get you there. We’ve seen and done it. And offer our learnings to you, backed up by extensive research.”

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