
Self & Mindset

What if you would just know how to manage things. Solve today’s issues, and think ahead. Take the changes and challenges, and adjust.

What if you would do this in an authentic way, showing courage, establish trust?

We got you covered.

Look Inside Our Classes

Explore the classes that our community loves and have helped them grow in their lives and careers.


Ambiguity Adaptive

Being adaptive to ambiguity means having the ability to navigate and thrive in situations where the information, parameters, or goals are uncertain, unclear, or constantly changing. It is the capacity to handle and even embrace the unknown, complex, and unpredictable aspects of a situation. We’ll explore how to grow your ambiguity adaptiveness in this class.


Authenticity means you’re true to your own personality, values, and spirit, regardless of the pressure that you’re under to act otherwise. You’re honest with yourself and with others, and you take responsibility for your mistakes. Your values, ideals, and actions align. This class helps you to get more authentic.


Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. It’s about facing your fears and taking action despite those fears. Courage goes beyond physical bravery; it’s also about emotional and moral courage – standing up for what you believe in, even when it’s difficult or unpopular. This class explores how.


Resiliency is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. It’s a personal attribute that allows individuals to remain mentally tough and bounce back from adversity. In this class we help you build your resiliency.


Resourcefulness is the art of finding and utilizing resources effectively to reach our goals or solve problems. It’s about being creative, thinking critically, and solving problems in ways others might not consider. In this class we will explore how improve your resourcefulness.


People who possess a high degree of self-awareness are able to recognize their own biases, limitations, and blind spots, and to work to address these areas of weakness. This can help them communicate more effectively with others, build stronger relationships, and make better decisions. This class uncovers the key steps to become more self-aware.

Situational Adaptability

Being situationally adaptive in terms of career competency means having the ability to adjust one’s behavior, approach, or skillset in response to changing circumstances, challenges, or expectations in a professional context. Let’s explore how to grow this competency.


Trust in the workplace means your colleagues enjoy a culture of honesty, psychological safety, and mutual respect. They’re proud of where they work and are more willing to go above and beyond for your organization. You know how to instill trust in your environment. This class gives you the key ingredients to grow trust.


Business Sense

Business Sense is an understanding of how a business works and how decisions can affect a company’s performance. It includes understanding business models, strategies, and financials, as well as market dynamics, customer needs, and the competitive landscape. We will discuss these topics and offer a good intro to each.

Complexity Management

Complexity management is about being able to handle and deal with difficult and complicated situations and problems effectively. It involves understanding them, finding ways to navigate through them, and coming up with appropriate responses. This class will get you both theory and practice on how to step up your competency in this area.


Curiosity is the driving force behind innovation, creativity, and learning. It encourages us to explore, discover, and question the world around us. Without curiosity, we would never step out of our comfort zones or strive to understand things beyond our immediate perceptions. Take this class to get more curious professionally.

Future Focus

Future focus is the ability to anticipate future trends, scenarios, and possibilities, and to prepare for them effectively. It’s not about predicting the future; it’s about understanding the potential directions the future could take, and being ready for those possibilities. An essential class.

Growth Mindset

A growth mindset refers to a belief that your abilities, intelligence, and talents can be developed through hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn. People with a growth mindset believe that they can grow and improve, and that challenges and failures are opportunities to learn and develop. Let’s explore how in this class.

Social Justice

Social justice is about recognizing and addressing the ways in which systems of power and privilege can impact opportunities and outcomes for different individuals and communities. It involves actively creating more equitable and inclusive work environments and outcomes, regardless of an individual’s race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or other characteristics. A critical class these days.

Strategic Thinking

Strategic thinking is like a mental workout. It’s all about coming up with fresh ideas and unique opportunities that can give a person or a company an edge over others. The main aim? To help them achieve their long-term goals more efficiently and effectively. This class helps you become a strategic thinker within your role.


Sustainability is all about balancing our needs today, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. This involves taking a long-term view about our impact on the environment, society, and the economy. Let’s learn how to make it part of our roles.

Tech Savviness

Being tech savvy means having a good understanding and familiarity with technology and its various applications. It refers to being knowledgeable about the latest technological advancements relevant for your type of activity or field of knowledge, like AI. This class offers guidance on how to become or remain tech savvy.


“In the years I worked with Jeff, he coached the managers and executives in what it means to live and work overseas, in a country other than your own. The other critical element is Jeff is deeply focused on the HR levers to move the people side of the business.  Jeff understands and can impact an organization’s’ development, and influence leaders to make the right decisions.”

Georgette Verdin, CPO

Amazon.com, Microsoft, Novartis

Coaching is all about letting the potential bloom. Rogier coached me during my Nike years. It has had an impact for live and steered me to a successful career. Next to his professional approach, working with Rogier also means being coached with a pinch of fun.”

Jacqueline Biersma, Global Assignment Director


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“Everyone deserves success. How this translates is personal: wealth, impact, independence.

Career Cube aims to unlock your personal talents to get you there. We’ve seen and done it. And offer our learnings to you, backed up by extensive research.”

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