
A poor administrator, characterized by inefficiency, poor time management, inability to delegate, and negative impact on teamwork, can significantly hamper career development. These characteristics may lead to decreased productivity, missed deadlines, burnout, team discord, and overlooked promotion opportunities. This class focuses on Improving these skills, since they are crucial for career advancement and organizational success.

When you rely excessively on a supporter, mentor, or advocate within an organization for your progress, success, or identity, you are too Advocate Dependent. While having a mentor is beneficial, over-reliance can hinder personal growth and carries the risk of being left without support if the advocate leaves the organization. Learn how to avoid it or bring it down. 

Being blocked as a learner in the workplace can hinder skill development, create resistance to change, prevent learning from mistakes, limit problem-solving abilities, and cultivate a negative reputation. These barriers can restrict career advancement and negatively affect work efficiency and collaboration. This is what you can do about it.

Good Followership the ability to effectively follow the directives and support the vision of your leaders or organization, contribute positively to the team, while pursuing your own vision and values. This class gets your the keys to finding that balance.

Operational bias is a tendency to focus on the day-to-day tasks and immediate problems at the expense of long-term strategy and vision. This bias can be a career roadblock, limiting your growth and success. In this class we will learn how to identify and overcome this bias.

Political Missteps relate to mistakes you can make at work, related to interpersonal relationships, reputation building, and working style, among others. This class discusses the most common missteps you can make and how to avoid them.

Having an over-dependence on a single skill can become a shadow competency, blindspot, or career roadblock in several ways:
Limited career opportunities, inability to adapt to change, limited networking opportunities, a narrow perspective and reduced job security.