
Conviction refers to the strength of one’s beliefs and the commitment to act in alignment with those beliefs. It is a valuable skill for leadership and career development because it allows individuals to demonstrate authenticity, build trust, and inspire others to take action.

Heartfulness is a holistic approach to life that includes mindfulness, compassion, empathy, and emotional intelligence. It’s about understanding your emotions, connecting with others on a deeper level, and acting from a place of compassion and empathy. In this class we will discuss the right ways to further develop your Heartfulness.

Humility is the quality of being humble. It involves being open to feedback, willing to learn from others, and acknowledging your limitations and mistakes. In this class, learn how to develop humility to make a bigger impact to the people around you.

Impact is the ability to create meaningful and positive change through one’s actions, decisions, and work.
It is a valuable skill for leadership and career development, because it allows individuals to contribute to a greater purpose, make a difference in the world, and create a legacy that inspires others. Let’s explore how to grow your Impact.

Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. It’s about doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. It’s like being your own referee in the game of life. Learn how to grow yours, with great examples of successful business people.

Inventive leaders are able to identify opportunities for growth and find new and innovative ways to solve problems. They are often able to create a culture of innovation within their organization, encouraging others to think creatively and take risks.
By coming up with new and innovative ideas, individuals can demonstrate their ability to think critically and solve complex problems. In this class we will explore how to grow your Inventiveness.

Self-care is any activity that we deliberately do to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. It’s not something that we force ourselves to do, or something we don’t enjoy doing. Self-care refuels us, rather than takes from us. In this class you learn how.

Storytelling is the art of communicating ideas, messages, or information through narratives that captivate attention and ignite imagination. There’s a special quality to a story told well and the natural impact it has on others. It’s not just about telling a story; it’s about how you make your audience see, feel, and experience the world you’re describing. This class will get you the key ingredients.